Roto Spain: Photovoltaic installation covers internal power requirements
Roto Frank Fenster- und Türtechnologie is working to improve the energy efficiency of its company processes and investing in continuous expansion of photovoltaic installations at its locations across the world.

As part of this approach, the Spanish company subsidiary in Lliçà de Vall has operated a rooftop photovoltaic installation with an output of 50 kW since the middle of this year. This installation enables the subsidiary to cover its power needs year-round. In addition, the excess power produced in the summer months is fed into the regional power grid.
The annual power output of the solar panels is equivalent to the power needs of more than 20 households. The photovoltaic installation saves approximately 6 tons of crude oil and reduces CO2 emissions by approximately 24 tons each year. The reduction in CO2 emissions is equivalent to the carbon fixing capacity of approximately 1200 trees.

The photovoltaic installation builds upon the previous initiative of converting the Spanish company vehicle fleet to electric vehicles. Employees can also recharge their private vehicles with electricity on the company premises.
In terms of conserving resources, all investments by Roto FTT have a direct benefit for the customer, since they not only reduce the company's own carbon footprint but also that of its customers. These measures have their basis in the sustainability strategy of the Roto Group.