Roto Frank Kalsdorf focuses on generating its own electricity
Photovoltaic installation put into operation on 30th January 2023 / Company’s own hydropower plants and PV installation cover 50 per cent of the energy demand through on-site generation / Securing the future of the location, jobs and delivery service / Expansion of PV roof areas under review
Roto Frank Austria GmbH in Kalsdorf has three key objectives for its new photovoltaic (PV) installation. “We take sustainability seriously; we want to protect the environment, and invest in securing the future of the site,” says Managing Director Christian Lazarevic. The PV installation went into operation on 30th January and has, from the very first day, been supplying sufficient green energy to meet the company’s own needs.
Roof-mounted and ground-mounted PV installation
Once all official requirements had been met, in late summer 2022 the modules began to be installed in collaboration with the photovoltaic specialist CPG. “We experienced a short delay due to delivery bottlenecks, but the PV installation went into operation without any issues after only five months,” says the company boss with satisfaction. In future, it will save 230 tonnes of CO₂ (carbon dioxide) per year, helping to protect the environment.

50 per cent of energy demand covered by on-site generation
When working at full capacity, the three rooftop systems covering a total of 4,000 m2 plus one 18,000 m2 ground-mounted, or ‘free-field’, PV installation will supply as much energy as it takes to power 800 households for an entire year. With optimum sunlight, the system’s maximum output is 2,600 kWp (kilowatt peak). PV installations on standard houses are designed to generate 4 to 6 kWp on average.
The ground did not have to be sealed for this. The modules were installed on a plot of land that had been lying fallow – the ground was too boggy to be suitable for farming. “So far, our hydropower plants have covered 20 per cent of our energy demand. With the PV installation, we generate about 50 per cent of our own energy,” says Christian Lazarevic.

Employing 370 members of staff, the company manufactures a range of products, including window hardware, door locks, main door hinges as well as components for the leisure and automotive industries. The long-established company, based in Kalsdorf, is part of the German Roto Frank Fenster- und Türtechnologie GmbH group of companies, and is one of a total of 18 worldwide production plants for the global market leader in Tilt&Turn hardware.
“Producing one’s own power is important, particularly when energy prices are high. Being able to generate our own electricity will secure the future of this location and the jobs here, and will guarantee our on-time delivery service,” says Christian Lazarevic. The company is planning to expand its PV roof areas. “We’re investigating whether the roofs’ statics will allow it.”
Dieser Artikel wurde von Edith Ertl für MeinBezirk.at geschrieben.