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Sustainability at Roto

Roto takes a targeted, conscious and customer-oriented focus on the future and establishes sustainability as an important strategic goal. For this reason, a group-wide sustainability strategy was developed and integrated into the existing corporate strategy.

In this way, our long-term corporate vision includes the aspect of fully considering sustainable values as the basis of our entrepreneurial actions.

Sustainability strategy

Based on the defined vision and strategy, long-term fields of action and sustainability topics have been defined, which Roto will specifically implement and consider in all activities and decisions in the future. Roto will therefore continue to work on measures to constantly conduct sustainable corporate actions.

» Roto sustainability profile at Integrity Next

Sustainability at Roto

Sustainability Mission Roto Group

Along our entire value chain, we stand for social and ecological sustainability. In doing so, we constantly interact with our customers and partners and thus develop sustainable product and service solutions in our markets.

We can only achieve all this together with all the people at Roto. For this purpose, we create the conditions for a sustainable transformation of the entire corporate group through an appreciative and attractive working environment.

Fields of action

The Roto Group's efforts to incorporate the issue of sustainability into its day-to-day operations are based not only on the fact of a constantly changing legal environment, but also on the conviction of its long-term ecological, social and economic significance.

Customer-centered solutions

We create sustainable and provable benefits - safe products for the processor, the customer and the environment. In their field of application, we create provably long-lasting products. Product quality is ensured throughout the value creation process and product life cycle.

Focus topics

Engaged and efficacious employees

The basis of our success is a safe, appreciative and attractive working environment in which we promote individual strengths and continuously develop our diverse workforce. In doing so, we are committed to equal opportunities.

Focus topics

Wide-ranging climate and environmental protection

We design our production, operations and logistics processes to be energy-efficient and ensure that our raw materials are manufactured in a climate- and environment-friendly way. 
Along our value chain, we are committed to the careful use and recycling of resources, and in this way promote the path toward a circular economy.

Focus topics

Conscientious corporate governance

Our value framework forms the basis for responsible business practices. In this way, we create a climate of mutual trust by ensuring transparency and cooperation. We are committed to maintaining our integrity, complying with all applicable laws and ethical standards, and therefore seek continuous dialogue with our employees and suppliers to drive sustainability in the sector and meet our customers' needs.

Focus topics

Progress in the CO2 balance


  • Roto compiles its first Group-wide CO2 balance.
  • Roto plans and implements measures to improve energy sources.


  • Roto optimises and expands the survey internationally.
  • Roto identifies and implements further starting points for reduction.
  • The carbon footprint for 2022 is the base year for Roto's climate target.


  • Roto develops a scientifically based climate target, which is adopted in the second quarter of 2024.
  • Measures to achieve the target are being developed and implemented.

Roto climate target by 2030

The Roto Group has set a climate target:

By 2030, we aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% across the group worldwide in Scope 1 and 2, compared to the base year 2022. This applies to our entire energy consumption, whether generated on-site or sourced from energy providers.
n Scope 3, which covers emissions from our upstream and downstream value chain, we are aiming for a reduction of 25%.

Through a series of targeted measures based on our sustainability strategy, we will also contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of our customers and partners.

Roto Code of Conduct

Roto is committed to responsible and sustainable corporate governance. In particular, the principles of ecological, social and ethical behaviour listed in this Code of Conduct form the basis of our corporate governance.

We are guided by international conventions such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Guidelines on Children's Rights and Business Conduct, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Standards of the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Global Compact, as well as national laws and regulations.

Our principles form the basis of our cooperation with our business partners, especially suppliers and service providers. We take into account the different conditions under which our business partners have to operate. In particular, we recognize the challenges faced by smaller partners. We support our business partners, as necessary, in their ongoing effort to improve their adherence to all our principles of corporate governance.

Focus topics of Roto Window and Door Technology

Customer-centered solutions

Environmental declarations

Environmental declarations for products

The environmental declarations according to ISO 14025 contain indices based on an environmental balance sheet that describe the contribution that the products make to the greenhouse effect and resource use.

Roto Oberflächen

Roto surfaces

Protection in its finest form

Engaged and efficacious employees

Working for Roto

Working for Roto

Reliable cooperation is the key to shared success. This is why we listen carefully to our customers. We think in tandem with them. But we also think ahead.

Roto benefits

Roto benefits

In addition to exciting areas of responsibility, we offer our employees many more reasons to enjoy working at Roto and to feel well all around! Benefits may vary depending on the location.

Wide-ranging climate and environmental protection

REACh statement

Statement on the REACh Regulation

Under REACh, we are a downstream user and are therefore in the same position as our customers.

Roto Kalsdorf

Photovoltaic plant Kalsdorf

Three rooftop systems with a total of 4,000 sqm and an open-space PV system with 18,000 sqm supply as much energy as about 800 households need per year at full capacity.

Conscientious corporate governance

Roto company

Roto FTT: Economically strong and reliable

How can we contribute to the business success of our customers and support them in the best possible way with current challenges?

Resilient - Dr. Keill

Resilient: in 2022, the Roto Group once again grows compared to the previous year

All three divisions in the Roto Group outperformed the market. They even managed this in the fourth quarter of 2022, a period which saw consumer trust plummet to historic lows and inflation skyrocket to unprecedented levels.